home space

Eco Friendly / Sustainable homes

Since our homes are more than just generic steel and wood used in its construction, they also depict a place we belong to, a place where we get together and make memories. We all would wish for a home that allows us to reduce our environmental footprint and live more simply, while at the same time being a space where we love to spend our time. HLK helps you to design the desired eco friendly home by incorporating a number of factors that would help in achieving the desired results. From designing a mini garden, opting for energy saving lighting and automation to making space for having greenery in your abode, HLK takes utmost care to ensure you are residing in a nature friendly home.

home space

Redesigning your Home

Upgrading your home is a big responsibility and we at HLK take pride in taking charge of this responsibility and ensure to deliver what you aspire your home to look and feel like. Most of us tend to plan home remodeling at inconvenient times. The best time to remodel is not essentially a 'What' but a 'When'. It's best to remodel when you're mentally ready and also your budgets are in place. There are several occasions which call for a home renovation or redesigning and that could be before a festive season, before you welcome your new born, just before you decide to tie the knot or even when you want to start the new year with a fresh beginning around you.

home space

Seasonal Designs

We not only assist our patrons in designing their new residence but also help them in redoing their existing space as per the seasonal demands. Since we know summers are the time we look out for fresh and bright surroundings, HLK helps you to achieve that sort of planning to attain the desired results. Factors like wall colours, outdoor revamping, redesigning your furniture, all of this is planned and catered to by our team of experts. Similarly when it comes to the winter season, we all look out for cozy and warm looking spaces so that we could enjoy the winter feels. From designing a fire place to painting your indoors to a colour that would reflect warmth and winter ambience, HLK provides it all.

Luxury Interior Designs

'Our Mission is to achieve perfection thorught he latest and most innovative designs in
luxury living. We ensure to comboine the elements of panache and indulgence and
create a space that defines Luxury in its true form.'

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