A theme designed for dynamic and progress oriented employers. The black and white theme combines comfort
with conciseness, the present with the future and, the severity with the individuality. The strict utilitarian design
expresses futurism, while the interior is and tranquil in its own way.
The strict lines, clear geometric forms,
modern material palette and white colour
create an unusual atmosphere stimulating
the creative process.
A comfortable yet formal waiting area. The touch
of golden colour along with the metal chair and leather
upholstery is lending the feel of luxury across
the space.
Sleek and modular furniture, completely see
through glass walls and full length window
reflects transparency in the office.
The flow of natural light along with the white
wall makes the space bright and
An open space for employees to mix and
move around creating a dynamic and collaborative
workplace. The space is reinforcing the black
and white theme along with the brick
accent wall.
An interesting down level relax zone created
for the staff with minimal use of
furniture and many exciting activities
to indulge in.