Turn collaborative office space to productive space for all
A human mind and body is the most difficult machine to handle than anything else on this planet.
Perhaps keeping in mind all the pros and cons of working in an employee growth and proficiency, don't
you think an office should be designed in such a way keeping various encouraging factors in mind. Well,
we think so! Contrary to the traditional concept of cubicles, an open office space is more appealing. The
spacious view of an open office space helps you breathe a sigh of relief and calmness to start your day.
Utilization of space in an optimum manner to achieve the best office layout is also a must.
Let's read on:
The Fun Zone
Whether it's a machine or a human being, a break from the monotonous daily routine cycle is
significantly needed. Developing a fun zone in the open office space not only enhances the productivity
levels of the employees but also energizes them to deliver better. A gaming area with a table tennis set
up, or a small basketball net or even a Table Soccer game could help the employees unwind and take a
break from work. The use of vibrant colors and impressions adds to the zing of this zone making the area
livelier. The furniture/ installations need to be carefully chosen so that they could be easily handled and
maintained as well. Colorful tables and chairs, preferably plastic can be kept in the area also. Employees
who don't want to engage in playing activities could be a part of the ambience as an audience.
Team Building Zone
This is a concept which is followed in almost each and every organization in today's cut-throat
competitive corporate world for excellent productivity. A team building zone could be an area where
team building activities could be carried out by the activity managers. It gives an opportunity for the
employees to mingle with one another and also develops and strengthens their professional relationship
as well as provides room for sportsmanship amongst them. Small racks/shelves can be constructed to
help place stationery required for such activities. The walls could be painted with innovative signs and
images to create the ambience needed. Round tables could be place in the area to accommodate more
employees on a single table. And a wall of fame could be painted with a space left empty to put in the
winners names.
The 'ME' Zone
An individual, whether on work or off always requires some 'ME' time. The 'ME' time we are referring
here to is the self-time an individual needs to rethink his work, his contribution to the organization, to
gather his focus to get right back on track, to put on his thinking cap and get going with new ideas that
the company could benefit from. An area which is lighted softly and has a soothing ambience can serve
the purpose. A recliner or even a comfortable sofa could work wonders. The employee gets a chance to
relax and rekindle his energy. This will not only prove to be helpful for the employee but will also be
fruitful for the organization.
The Work Out Zone
A well-equipped gym could be the foremost thing the employees would look forward to when they start
their day. Exercising in the gym will not only have health benefits but the employees will engage in
healthy conversations even after/before work hours. The interiors of this area should be well ventilated
to provide a comfortable ambience for the employees during their work out sessions. Wooden flooring
would look perfect with the space being well-lit. Life size mirrors can be put up in the area. Small
cupboards/draws with a locking system can be created along the wall of this area so that the employees
can store their gym requisites.
The Hangout Zone
This area in the office can be also called as the cafeteria. Not only having their meals over here, the
employees could also indulge in interactive discussions with their colleagues or even group discussions
where in exchange of ideas can take place. You can choose the interiors as per your choice, although
you will have to keep in mind the colours and interiors of your office. Sofas and chairs/round stools
could be placed in the cafeteria. To make it a little more comfortable, bean bags are also a great option !
The Tech Zone
In today's competitive world it is very important for your organization to be upgraded with the latest
technology. Keeping this in mind a Tech Zone can be created in the office. This area could be used for
general conferences, video conferences, team presentations, client meetings, etc. A highly efficient
internet system is the primary requirement in this area. Proper fixing of wires, and streamlining them is
very important. Lighting should be done appropriately. Round and long conference tables with proper
office chairs can be placed in this area. It should be equipped with all the latest gadgets required for an
office conference room.
Few or all the above if incorporated in an open office design, will not only enhance the look of the office
but will also entirely change the concept of a so called 'OFFICE' for the employees. In fact we are sure
that employees will start looking forward to a day at work and will deliver their best once provided with
such a comfortable work environment. So without wasting time any further, go ahead and design your
office in an employee friendly way which would not only be appealing to work for your employees but
will also contribute to fruitful results for your organization.