
Easy summer decorating ideas

Come the month of May and June and we start thinking of ways to deal with the scorching sun for this season. Like it’s always said and feasible to do, why not look at the positives first, Didn’t get what I mean? ... Read on!

Instead of thinking to battle the summer season why not think of turning it in your favor. What are we reminded of when we say summers?

Air Conditioners, Coolers and even the Swimming pool! Let’s check out a few ways to beat the heat this summer remaining as ‘Cool’ as possible!

1. Break the Rules
Change the concept of adding a new splash of color to your home only during the festive season.
It's quite a stereotype tradition to only renovate and refurbish/style your home during Diwali or probably if a wedding is round the corner. Summers are also a great reason to do so.
Go on and rejuvenate your home by giving it a refreshing makeover of a lighter shade existing on your walls! Don’t forget to choose colors that have a soothing effect like more of cream and lemon tones or lighter shades of pink and blue etc

2. Outdoor is the new Indoor
That verandah of yours needs a little of your attention. Do you remember the last time you played a board game with your family like Ludo, Monopoly? It’s time to keep your electronic gadgets aside for a while and enjoy a board game with your loved ones. Make use of the verandah space by accommodating a mini table and couple of comfy chairs to spend your evenings with that refreshing lemonade. Hssshh….this area could also prove to be your favorite one. Enjoy a lovely evening sipping on some wine with your partner reminiscing moments from the past

3. Sweat it out
Summers are the best time to shed those extra kilos. Hitting the gym you mean we are talking about? Naah. Add a colourful yoga mat and a gym ball in the lifeless corner of your bedroom and get started on your mission. Some lively music, probably your favorite playlist could work wonders and motivate you. You could also ask your family members to accompany you for a quick yoga/aerobics session.

4. Green = Fresh
A famous quote by Douglas Wilson, "Use plants to bring Life". Nature always has an answer to all the difficult things of life, like trees provide us with shade. Placing a few more indoor plants within your home not only freshens up and clears the air but also adds that extra tint of green to make your cozy little den more bright and lively.

5. Get rid of those antique curtains.
When we say summers we are instantly reminded of the harsh sun. But nothing can be compared to the summer morning sunshine - so pleasant and vibrant. Move away all those thick and heavy curtains that you put up to impress your neighbor during the winters. Give way to light and sunshine to enter your home giving you a pleasure to experience mother nature. Go ahead and hang light curtains, probably with a flowery or leafy print giving the room a more summery and refreshing look. And not to forget, these are easier to maintain and wash !

6. Escalate Abstract to another level

When we say we have become modern and have inculcated modernity in our lives and home, do we actually mean it?

For a change why not think "Out of the Box"!

Revive your upholstery to straight-edged patchwork designs on upholstery which will provide a fun look that will compliment your room contrary to the same old dull colored furniture that you had bought last festive season.
Bright and colorful patterns for each patch will work great. Ignore black and grey, tones.

7. Bedding and Linens
Your bedroom is the ultimate area of your home where you feel the most relaxed. It is quite obvious that the interiors in your bedroom should be cozy and comfy enough to ensure you a good night’s sleep.
Opt for flowery and colourful prints for your bed sheet covers and linen. They make your room look more spacious and give you a sense of calmness and a soothing effect when you retire into bed after a long day’s work.

All that is related and connected to nature is not as harmful and harsh as we think.
We just need to change our vision and that begins from your own home. Don’t forget to even keep in mind that fluffy mattress of your pet! After all, your pet is also family

Gear up with these fascinating and exciting ideas to embrace the summers this season. We are sure the next time summers arrive you will be looking forward to it!


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